Sunday 2 February 2014

Cat Health Problems

So now that you have your furry friend, you need to be aware that that little kitty is not there for your entertainment only, but that you need to take care of it and make sure it doesn’t get sick. Prevention of health issues is the key. Five most often health problems you will encounter as a cat owner are:


Obesity is one of the most common health issues for your pet to experience and it is usually the owner's fault. Obesity is a result of free-feeding, many treats, high-carb foods and laziness. Research shows that obese cats are at risk for liver disease hepatic lipidosis and are likely to suffer non-allergic skin conditions. Also, obese cats can develop diabetes mellitus. If you have an already obese cat, make sure you talk to your vet and consult about putting your pet on a weight oss program.


Even though parasites are pretty common and sound really bed, they are actually pretty easy to prevent. Have your cat stay indoors, wash your cat's bedding regularly (once a week) and apply flea treatment regularly. Parasites are likely to manifest in the form of ticks and fleas. These infections, especially fleas can cause anemia and result in tapeworms. Apart from causing anemia, ticks also transmit Lyme disease.

Skin Problems

Skin problems aren’t that big a problem if you groom your cat regularly. You are likely to discover them in their early stages when they are easily treatable. Some tip-offs of skin problems:

Dry skin
Oily hair
Foul skin odor

If you see your cat biting, scratching or chewing at herself persistently, take it to the vet and have him determine the cause of inflammation. Your cat may be dealing with one of the following:

Ringworm (a fungal infection)
Food or environmental allergies
Flea allergies
Abscesses from bites or scratches

Early treatment is essential.

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTDs)

Cats with FLUTDs usually have difficulty when urinating and they are often in great pain. Their urinating is pretty frequent and there are traces of blood in it. FLUTD is most common in overweight and middle-aged cats who have restricted access outside and use an indoor litter box. Also, genetics may have a lot to do with FLUTD manifesting at an early stage of cat's life. Make sure you provide a fresh water supply regularly because increased intake of water will keep FLUTDs at bay. FLUTD can sometimes be a result of stress, although it is not established why. Often, FLUTD can be deadly if not treated within 24 hours. 


Hyperthyroidism is a feline endocrine disorder and it is a result of excessive thyroid hormone production in thyroid glands. Symptoms that will tip off this health issue are:

unexpected weight loss
increased thirst
urine output
dull coat

If you notice any of these symptoms, make an appointment with the vet. He will know what to do and it is likely your cat will be treated through: surgery, radioiodine treatment and Methimazole. Most cats respond to these treatments really well.

If your cat is healthy, still take it to regular appointments with the wet as that is the best way to prevent any potential health issues.

This was a Guest Post by Diana Smith. Diana is a great animal lover interested in topics related to pet care and environment. She enjoys spending her free time with her dog LuLu at the local park. She also enjoys seeing her readers getting useful information from her blog.
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Monday 19 August 2013

Diseases of the Horse

Diseases of Horse
A healthy animal to be working fine, they are not in top condition, performance decreases.
The horse may have mild infections or bone disorders, such is the case of the peak, however, is able to perform the tasks. But we must always be aware of the animal, even if it can fulfill its tasks, not suffer.
This can help you know if your horse is healthy or sick:
Perform this simple test will help you know if your horse is healthy or have a disease.

The horse is healthy if:
  1. Horse eyes are clean and bright. 
  2. The horse will eat all the food ration and non-stop. 
  3. has a pulse between 35 and 42 beats per minute at rest. 
  4. Their urine is clear or pale yellow. 
  5. limbs In no inflammation and temperature of these is less than the leather. 
  6. has a temperature of about 38° C. 
  7. Breathing at rest is 8 to 12 breaths per minute, with no abruptness or effort. 
  8. shiny hair without hair fall excessive. Maintains strong support on all fours and does not limp.
The horse is sick if:
  1. Horse looks sad, tired and gloom. 
  2. shows pale eyes expressionless or cry. 
  3. has a dull coat or excessive hair fall. 
  4. lying or is maintained long romps no apparent reason. 
  5. If the touching note that reacts with pain or have any inflamed area. 
  6. limps or has the town in disrepair. 
  7. If you remove the bed, this restless, or sweat excessively.
These symptoms are indicative, remember that in case of doubt, it is always best to call your veterinarian is the only one who can know if you really are sick and the most appropriate treatment to be followed by the horse.
Disease is the situation in which alters the structure of the body.
This alteration has a cause (etiology), with a cycle of evolution and restoration (pathogenic), the outcome (prognosis) and means of treatment or control, criteria that are applicable to all kinds of conditions, being able to subdivisions, when doubts arise about the various origins of the condition. If any of these symptoms it is vital to call the vet:

When to call the vet:
It is very important to know when we have to call the vet, and if any of these symptoms is vital:
  1. The horse has a temperature above 38° C. 
  2. Present pain symptoms evident in some area of your body. 
  3. If you have bleeding profusely or have injuries and / or major cuts. 
  4. If saliva in abundance (without making physical effort). 
  5. This can be a symptom of having eaten some noxious or poisonous boil or have any object stuck in his mouth.
If wobbles when walking can also be a symptom of poisoning. If it appears that attempts to vomit (arching the neck and back and makes efforts to tummy muscles).
These symptoms are indicative, remember that in case of doubt, it is always best to call your veterinarian is the only one who can know if you really are sick and the most appropriate treatment to be followed by the horse.

Genitalia Disease
Mare: The genital organs consist mare ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva and mammary glands.
The primary diseases of these organs are relatively rare, but secondary disorders are common, such as ovarian tumors and uterine infections by Klebsiella or Pseudomonas species, or coital exanthema.
Uterine infections by streptococci and other bacteria appear when forming abnormalities of the vulva and perineum, which facilitate entry of air through the genital tract.

The best-known cases as inflammation of the mammary glands are quite scarce as it is not common practice artificial milking mares, being more common in cows.
It occurs most frequently in infertile mares, which are raising a foal and they have stopped recently.
The older mares a year and even those who do not reach this age may also be affected.
In most cases, it swells and becomes painful half udder discomfort when gravity may occur in the hind limp. Producing bulky swelling in the front of the gland or in an upward direction in the area between the hind legs. Mastitis cases can be treated by antibiotics by intramuscular.

Main types of diseases:
  1. Diseases Infertility pregnancy. 
  2. pony stallion newborn diseases. 
  3. Diseases pony during the first two years of life.
Infertility. It is characterized by a relative reduction in reproductive activity in relation to expected results, its origin can be traced to the mare or stallion. The pathological definition, is one that remains difficult for the mare in foal, due to a slight infection of the uterus, or perhaps a decrease in male semen quality, preventing conception.

Sterility. consists of a complete inability to conceive, is produced by chromosomal abnormalities, senility, uterine disorders indurativos, blocking the Fallopian tubes or ovarian tumors.

Stallion Infertility. It can be temporary is sometimes caused by slight injuries can become permanent.
Symptoms range from a decrease in libido (reduced erectile capacity, actual entry or ejaculating penis, riding the horse) or manifestations of the existence of poor semen quality (i.e low sperm count, low motility).
As occurs in the mare, the stallion may be infertile in some circumstances, as in the case where it is subjected to excessive work, or care is minimal, which does not occur if management is in top condition. Most of the studs should be able to produce 70% of pregnancies in a group of 40 mares, at a rate of 2.5 per intercourse mare coupling each season.

All production levels below these rates are possible, when an individual is unable to stop pregnant at least one of all mares presented, is said to be barren. However, for practical purposes, be considered completely infertile at stud who cannot achieve a fertility rate of over 20%.

Diseases of pregnancy. mare's gestation lasts 320 to 360 days.
The births between 300 and 320 days are considered premature: as they present smallness, weakness, and difficulty surviving. Those born with less than 300 days are considered abortions and have no chance of life.
Possible causes an abortion are present ranging from bacterial, viral or fungal.The infection-causing microbes attack the placenta and / or fetal organs, destroying their ability to live and develop normally.
Of the non-infectious causes of abortion do not have much information, some are caused by genetic disorders, hormonal, immunological, or circulation, however, there is no detailed knowledge of the subject, we can only theoretical information for diagnosis.

Currently, there is only one form of an epidemic nature of abortion;
Which is produced by equine herpes virus type 1., This virus attacks the respiratory system, the cause which produces abortions in cases concerning unknown. It occurs most often from the 7th to the 9th month of pregnancy, it can sometimes occur later, even near the end of pregnancy. Often spontaneous, with no prior breast development, fetal membranes expelled with the fetus, or a little later.

The signs have foals born in the near future at the end of gestation show theoretical septicemia (increasing weakness) dying before completing the four days from birth. In which case, the mare has a normal breast development with the presence of colostrum in the udder.

Non-infectious causes is the existence of twins, which is the most common.The mare placental covers the entire inner surface of the uterus, and therefore the capacity is multiple as to the attachment area to be two fetuses. There are three types of situations that can result in twins equal or unequal sizes. In most cases, one of the two dies, resulting in the expulsion of both as abortion, between the 7th and 9th months of pregnancy.
The mycotic abortion is caused by fungi, is known as the most frequently appearing in the 9th month. Is that the placenta is thickened, producing a dense, brownish exudate on the surface.

The fungus that produces it is spreading gradually around the area and is gradually destroying placental tissue, causing fetal malnutrition causing thinning, abortion occurs as it weakens or dies the fetus and thus, causing the expulsion the uterus. But the factors capable of producing this type of disorder may occur after the first 300 days of gestation, in which case, the Colts are premature, although born at the end, come to suffer conditions such as septicemia or weakness, reducing their chances of living out the womb.

Stallion. The bodies are made up of testes, epididymis,  accessory glands, scrotum and penis in your deck. Primary alterations, which consist of testicular tumors or infections caused by Klebsiella species, are rare.
The stallion can suffer rash sack which is a sexually transmitted infection caused by viruses, and contracted to perform intercourse with infected mare, is characterized by the development of the penis of tiny vesicles that rupture and result in small ulcers. It is necessary that the animal remains in rest for ten days, to produce healing. Otherwise, the ulcers may coalesce and lead to severe pain.

The external genitalia are more prone to injury, because the act of intercourse is controlled by man and there is the risk that a mare is not in the appropriate phase of zeal resist the stallion. The most frequent injuries are penile hematoma, although they can appear on the scrotum blows, causing swelling, for recovery requires long periods of rest.

Diseases of the newborn foal. The first four days after birth are called neonatal period, since this is the time in establishing the most important adjustments except those related to food, which enable the foal to lead an independent existence of the mare. During this period, also begin to show symptoms of the disease characteristics of this stage. As we have seen, many of these disorders have their origin in the womb.
Neonatal diseases are divided into four groups, of which the last three are of noninfectious cause:

Group 1: infections caused by bacteria or viruses. Presenting symptoms are loss sucking reflex gradual, progressive weakness and inability to take suction position. May culminate in a state of coma, convulsions, etc. to death.

Group 2: disorientation syndrome neonatal (SDN) which is manifested by significant behavioral disorders. These include seizures, loss of sucking reflex and inability to recognize and follow the mother.
The older terminology affected foals referred to in different ways. The disorder is associated with brain injury caused by hemorrhage or edema, this leads to severe respiratory disorders as biochemical or side effects due to altered behavior and metabolic status.

Group 3: anatomic abnormalities, cleft palate, parrot mouth, tendon contractures, bladder rupture and various deformities of the head, body or members can be inherited or develop because of abnormal fetal growth are attributed to viral infections, poor nutrition or drug administration. However, specific data are lacking on the subject, which means that, currently, the etiology of equine anatomical aspects are under study.

Group 4: immune hemolytic jaundice newborn foal. Disease characterized by the destruction of erythrocytes strong pony by the action of antibodies that receives's colostrum produced by the mare.
Antibodies are substances that anti-red blood cells form in the bloodstream of the mare, as a result of heredity which is located in the erythrocytes of the foal. Some fetal red blood cells cross the placenta and enter the circulation of the mare during the fetal development stage, acting similarly to a vaccine, stimulating maternal tissues to produce a specific antibody against horse red blood cells.

Antibodies in colostrum are grouped together with those having a protective nature, and are absorbed through the small intestine, immediately after the first food intake following childbirth.
The foal develops jaundice that grows progressively increases heart rate and breathing rate during exercise, in most cases, the colt dies in the first three days.

If detected early the disorder can be prevented by avoiding ingestion of colostrum within the first 24 hours of life, a period during which the foal is placed a muzzle and is given colostrum from another mare, then will be fed with artificial milk. If convenient to suck the milk of its own mother after a period of 24 hours, as the small intestine has lost the ability to absorb the antibody.

Meconium colic, which is produced by digestive disturbances in the passage of the first excrement is a relatively simple alteration, which is included in group 2. The treatment of neonatal conditions which are mostly symptomatic, as in the case of the inability to get through the help of assistants and general care, such inability to get to suck forced to bottle feed the foal, the lack sucking reflex which is solved by feeding the horse; inability to maintain body temperature, warming the animal's manger, and dehydration, with intravenous fluid therapy and transfusions of whole blood or plasma.

Specific treatment comprises administering antibiotics against infections, surgical correction of the ruptured bladder and transfusion of red blood cells in the cases of hemolytic jaundice.

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Tuesday 13 August 2013

Ataxia Disease in Cats

Ataxia Disease in Cats
Ataxia is a disease that affects the limbs, movement, body position and stability of the cat. 

When the animal is upset and has uncoordinated movements and other difficulties must perform a series of tests to know that evil is suffering and to rule out other diseases. 

If the cat walk as if 
drunk , is lack of coordination between the head and trunk, inability to walk or jump, climb, drowsiness, etc., may have ataxia. 

Should be taking blood tests, urine tests, x-rays etc. and you can find out if the cat has ataxia. 

Could be cerebral ataxia , vestibular and sensory. cerebral ataxia is when you have problems in the cerebellum, the region that is responsible for balance and coordination of movement. It has a "duck walk. 

"vestibular ataxia is when you have problems in the inner ear, or may be affected certain nerves
 that go from the ear to the brain. They may have side head, walking in circles, and rapid eye movements (nystagmus).sensory ataxia is when there are problems in the cerebellum, the spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. The cats are standing and walking with the legs wide apart, have a great weakness. Cats can be born with a condition or manifest a few days old when even the brain is developing. 

If the cat after the exams are found to have some form of ataxia, there are treatments for all and manage to have very good quality of life. The cat will always seek an outlet for their disability, of course you have to follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian and you can get another young cat to play with him.
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Sunday 11 August 2013

What is Dog Grooming?

Dog Grooming
"To get the optimum hygienic conditions and aesthetic characteristics for a dog is called dog grooming"

Dog grooming phases:
  1. Preparation for the bathroom, and condition monitoring undone Dog
  2. Bath proper, appropriate use of each breed and coat type.
  3. Drying and brushing
  4. Cleaning ears
  5. Cut nails.
  6. Finishing and fragrance

 Why Dog Grooming is good?
The grooming is good because it helps regulate and prevent future negative situations for the pet such as skin problems, hair loss and parasites. Help to identify other problems that might go unnoticed as otitis, anal sac disease, ingrown toenails, poor oral hygiene and others. Each job of grooming is an opportunity to detect any abnormality and seek a solution to your veterinarian immediately.

How to select a professional dog groomer?
Selection of a good professional groomer is very important when taking care of your dog. In order to find a groomer that engages your dog you have to take into account the experience, location, recommendations and services offered. Some groomers work specifically on various types of dogs such as small, medium or large. It is advisable to talk to the groomer in advance if there is any need or special requirement.

What information I can provide to the dog groomer?
At the time of taking the dog to the groomer is important to mention if your dog is nervous, shy or aggressive. It is vital that you take the necessary precautions if the dog does not tolerate pressure or a tendency to bite. Notify if the dog has a known allergy or skin sensitivity to any tool or product in the grooming.

Can grooming to be applied to any kind of dog breed?
Yes, there is a kind of grooming for each race, depending on their size and coat.

How I can prepare my puppy for grooming?
It should start from the two-month-old puppy accustomed to the use of the brush and comb, suggesting the puppy it's a game and reward for good behavior. The bathroom can be started from that age with anti-tears shampoo for puppies.

How often should I give my dog ​​grooming?
The grooming applies for periods of 22-45 days, depending on the breed of dog. Consult your veterinarian or groomer.

How long can a dog grooming?
Its minimum length is one hour, depending on the breed, dog's temperament and job complexity. Consult your veterinarian or groomer.

What are the basics that I need to brush my dog?
To proceed to brushing dog must be at least: a brush and Olive Mediterranean.

Can I bathe my dog without first brushing?
No, you must unravel the dog's coat before proceeding to the bathroom to avoid knots and promote better cleaning.

Can I use human hairdressing machine for a dog?
Using human hairdressing machines can lead to skin injuries. Currently there are a range of dog grooming products tailored to the needs of the pets.

Should I protect my dog's ears during bathing?
Definitely yes, it is advisable to know how to manipulate the dog to prevent water from getting into your ears. Consult your veterinarian.

Can you wash the dogs face with shampoo?
Yes, currently there are line-tears shampoos that allowing the dog wash her face without any problems since they are products manufactured with raw materials used in cosmetics for babies that do not irritate the eyes.

Can I apply ​​human nail polish to my dog?
No human enamel should apply to dogs because they contain chemicals that can be toxic. In the market today there are glazes made for dogs as the line of Pet Society Enamels.

Can I bathe my dog ​​with people shampoo?
A dog cannot be shampooing for people. The pH of the skin of dogs is 7.0 (neutral) and the human skin is 5.5 (acid). If we apply a shampoo for people most likely our dog's skin become sore, dry and mistreated the coat. The use of shampoos made especially for dogs and proper pH as the line of shampoos.

 Is conventional perfume spray suitable for my dog?
Conventional perfumes are harmful to dogs, since the pH of the dog's skin is different to the pH of the human skin. Applying human scent a dog can cause allergies, skin irritation, and itchy skin causes hair loss. Only special animal scent that provide shine, silkiness and coat protection use for your dog.

What is the difference between stripping and grooming?

Stripping is only cutting hairs without having found any aesthetic appearance while grooming is the set of operations to keep a dog in optimal hygienic conditions and aesthetically characterized their race.
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Thursday 8 August 2013

Healthy Living for Cats

Dog Breed
Assuming the acceptance of all the inconveniences and changes in our lives can mean adopting or purchasing a dog, and depending on that we have already had the company of these animals or be "newbies" in the field, is presented an important option that can be varied success or failure in the future relations irrational family member.

The initial outlay will be carrying out to buy a copy of good constitution, a healthy and excellent "pedigree" would not be very different depending on the breed, dogs except for few and far between. However, this price, logically increases based on the "quality" of the animal, divided between thirteen or fourteen years of life probably did not find it so outrageous.

The puppy bargain or offered by an acquaintance at a low price will not, in most cases, a perfect specimen purebred, registered in the registers of official cynological societies.

However, already decided to perform an expense that may seem superfluous at times very high and we have to meditate slowly dog breed that we will integrate into our circle of life. Aesthetic preferences subjectively makers in most cases, especially in the masters "beginner", typically demonstrated bad advisers. Badly can be blended with Doberman, however beautiful it may seem, if we want a calm animal, pet, you can live without leaving a small apartment near, nor can we train to defend our assets to a sweet cocker, although it represents the ideal type of dog we wanted.

Many races for various functions
Cynological groups and patterns of behavior of each of the races will guide us to a first approximation with respect to the purpose for which the animal is intended that we will acquire.
Fans on the hunt, according to the hunting mode to practice, will rationally separating and discarding those varieties that go beyond their needs and can finally meet a list of 10 or 15 races, more or less similar and affordable, including to make the choice.

A family who wants a constant companion, guardian of property or physical, can act analogous way to separate ultimately space requirements, exercise and feeding of the finalists.

Space and exercise: limiting factors
Something that is all too often forgotten in the previous considerations to the purchase of the puppy is that the size of our can be very different depending on the chosen race. What we can offer the ultimate space dog as permanent accommodation? A Great Dane, for beautiful picture and temper cannot physically live in an apartment in a city without causing serious inconvenience to their masters without harming the animal's health. But not only the size of the hostel, we must also take into account the need for free space requires minimal exercise to be performed by each race. A defense like dog bulldog can live in a small apartment as well as the boxer, although the latter need more outdoor exercise, but a great dane or bull-mastiff hardly achieve a balance of character and health if you do not have a garden to expand.

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Adulthood in Cats

Adulthood in Cats
A cat spends about a third of their time sleeping, playing third and the remaining third, feeding and busy in his toilet. When the cat can go freely, usually hunt small prey (mice, pigeons, sparrows, etc..), Consuming or not when fed by humans. Of this character predator, the domestic cat retains its hunting instinct, even without access to the outside. Therefore, moving objects attract cats, they can spend long hours playing with a ball rolling as they play it. If the cat eats only mice, should be consumed daily between 8 and 10 to meet their food needs. This game is not easy since it is not enough to see a mouse trap.
The game requires a lot of time and failures are numerous, but the cat has great advantages to hunt and catch their prey. Indeed, it has fine ear, nose developed that can guide mustaches, insightful view, steely claws, great vivacity of movement and exceptional ability, that of moving noiselessly.

The nails and teeth
The nails (or claws) cat presents several particularities: they grow continuously throughout life, have a slightly rounded shape, are retractable, vertically inserted steely. The retractile of cat claws has several consequences. First, allow you to move without noise, thanks to its soft pads. It also lets you protect your claws, hunting real weapons and combat. Finally, when removed, nails are fearsome weapons, sharp and steely, as well as a valuable aid to climb trees. The shape of the nails can easily nail them in dams or opponents, as if they were small knives. A clawing produces at least a good scratch on the skin, even when you only play with a cat.

Cat teeth washing
You can cut the cat nails but some precautions should be taken. You must have proper nail clippers, in good condition, and keep the cat in a way not to lose the leg at the time you cut the nail. Then taking the end of the leg, is squeezed slightly last joint between two fingers and the cut is made in the direction of the nail (the direction opposite to the use of a nail clipper in man) not crushed. In the nail clearly distinguish two zones, one inside and one pink clearer towards the end. Must be cut in the clear, since the pink is for the nail root and contains blood vessels. The cat has four claws on each hind foot and five on each front foot. The fifth claw is located on the spur (which corresponds to the thumb). We must control this claw because if not cut, can grow to curve back into the skin and leg hurt. Many cats often use tree trunks or in the absence of tree, a vertical board for filing her nails, but not so much to be spent to renovate them, since in this way removes the old surface layer of the nail, allowing the nail underlying, steely, becomes functional. On the other hand, some cats are unique in their own claws cut and take a paw to his mouth, as if from eating nails.
The teeth are the second set of cat's natural weapons, especially the canines. Cat teeth are more adapted to take, tear and tear the prey to chew food, which are usually swallowed whole.

While some cats are good swimmers, this is usually rare. This general dislike for water is also found in the cat's attitude regarding fluid intake. Cats, probably originating in the desert, drink little, their urine is very concentrated. The cat drinks water consumed prey since, it is a mouse or a bird, water represents 60% of the body, but has little tendency to drink spontaneously. Similarly, cats who eat wet food, canned, they tend to drink less or not drink while they eat kibble drink outside food consumption. The water consumption is performed in small quantities, between 10 and 20 times per day. Therefore, it is essential that cats have permanent water. The preconceived notion that food in kibble may favor certain diseases, particularly kidney, is absolutely false. But it is essential to check that the cat just drink enough water to allow proper functioning of your kidneys.

In France, for example, approximately 50% of domestic cats, females and males, are sterilized. This sterilization poses no particular problem, except in relation to food. Indeed, sterilization results in an increased appetite and a parallel decrease of the energy requirements in both the male and the female. Therefore, to avoid obesity is to be administered to cats sterilized either a smaller amount of food or less rich in energy. You can even train the cat to eat fewer foods from one or two weeks before the scheduled date of sterilization. In this way, the cat better get used to his new status.

Life expectancy

While some cats reach the age record of 30 years, the life expectancy of neutered cats is 10 years, on average. In intact cats, is 6 years for females and 5 for males. This difference is explained by the tendency to wander from intact cats, making them more exposed to risks such as traffic and communicable diseases, infections, parasites, etc.. Indeed, when the cats can get out of the house, they tend to be with their peers, either to breed or to fight in the conquest of territory or mating struggles. These contacts are favorable factors for disease transmission and contribute to shorten the life of the cat. However, the number of older cats is increasing, which is a sign of better nutrition, vaccinations increasingly numerous and effective, and better medication.
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Wounds and Injuries House Cat

Wounded Cat
One of the pets more prone to home accidents, especially during the first age to maturity, is the mysterious feline, inquisitive and independent was considered sacred animal in ancient Egypt. Cunning seems contradictory that the elasticity of movements and enormous physical gifts of cats are not sufficient to prevent multiple injuries, wounds and bruises that usually visit home on copies.
However, the innate curiosity, ignorance instinctive urban jungle predator's blood running through his veins propitiate the risk until the modified knowledge and behavior conform to the location of the apartment, the back or rural housing share with their masters.

Ingestion of objects
Extremely common in young animals may be due to intestinal obstruction and gastrointestinal serious injury. The instinctive behavior of small kittens leads them to pursue, bite and play with moving objects or small critters. The balls of wool with needles included are irresistible toys that despite the tradition must always be kept well hidden for safekeeping of our pupils. Very young puppies can ingest hair and wool, with its claws tear of carpets and rugs. These indigestible masses can form balls that are not easily expelled with the feces and can even cause death of the animal. Often sufficient to purge olive oil presentation soft occlusions produced by wire, wool or meat gristle, but it is desirable that the decision corresponds to the optional entitled.

Bruises and Falls
The incessant activity of cats and placed them exceptional physical powers sometimes fall situations, dislocation and shock produced by ornaments, vases or semiautomatic operation of appliances that can catch the tail or paw animal. The famous seven lives that are attributed to these cats are due to the power down on all fours if a forward or sliding window, as their sense of balance makes them turn and take that position landing. Also, the elasticity of his muscular body enables them to enter through openings and holes implausible, and speed in the jump, and the amazing ease in climbing trees and wooden structures, allows avoiding the dangers that can ace Charles by dogs and other large animals. If your cat suffers a bruise from a blow or car accident, should be immobilized and warm while requiring urgent vet visit.

Wounds and burns

More frequent than desirable result from falling pots or pans on the animals or because they walk on burning stoves and furnaces. The affected area should be washed with soapy water or hydrogen peroxide, and after cutting the adjacent hair apply healing cream, mercurochrome or other disinfectants, so that cannot be licked by the pussy itself. The prevention of accidents which may be involved our cat is one of the must dispensaries preferential attention.
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