Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Australian Silky Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier
The Silky Terrier was created in Australia by some fans who wanted a dog of small size, but that was more robust and solid than some breeds of company. From the Skye Terrier and the small erect ears Yorkshire Terrier, after several crosses with different percentage of blood of either race, won and set the Silky Terrier, which retains the characteristics and hunter instinct and layer Skye Terrier and the small size of the Yorkshire Terrier.

The breed was recognized in 1962 by the FCI and the same year he set the standard, which was updated a few years later. It is logical, therefore, that this dog is not yet widespread, but is beginning to find enthusiastic and passionate.

It is compact, so moderately low, moderately long, with a refined structure but with enough substance to suggest the ability to hunt and kill domestic rodents. It should display Terrier characteristics, showing a sharp vivacity, activity and vigor. The coat silky, smooth and cut in half forming a stripe gives it a neat appearance.

Head and skull
The head is of moderate length, slightly shorter from the tip of the nose to the area between the eyes, which from the same position to the occiput. The head should be strong with Terrier characteristics, being moderately broad between the ears, the skull, without curves flattened between the eyes, is provided with a tuft of fine silky hair that covers the eyes (a long fall is reprehensible hair on the front or cheek).

The nose should be black.
Eyes: small, round, not prominent, its color should be as dark as possible with an expression of keen intelligence.
Ears: Should be small, in a "V", the flag is thin, set high on the skull, the leads are completely devoid erect and long hair.
Jaws / Teeth: Jaws strong, teeth and tight uniforms, the upper incisors closely overlapping the lower (scissor bite).
Adherent and thin lips.

Medium length, refined and slightly arched, gracefully inserted shoulders. Well covered with long silky hair.

Should be moderately long in proportion to the height of the dog. Topline straight, well sprung ribs extending back to the back to be strong. Chest of moderate depth and width. It is a serious offense if the top line is due or is convex.

Well-developed thighs, knees and hocks should be well bent. Views from behind, the hocks should be well positioned below and parallel to each other.

Climbing shoes, small, well padded, toes close together, the nails must be black or very dark.

It must be amputated is set high and carried erect, but not too up. There should be provided with feathers.

Should be free, straight, showing no looseness at the shoulders and elbows, turning neither in nor out of his feet and pasterns.

The hindquarters should have strong propelling power with ample flexibility at stifles and hocks. Viewed from behind, the movement should be neither too narrow nor too broad.

Smooth, thin, shiny, silky texture, with hair length 13-15 cm (5-6 inches) from the posterior region of the ears to the tail set, but it should not prevent movement of the dog. The members must be free of long hair from carpal joint or the hock to toes.

Blue and tan, blue and tan or gray, the more intense more appreciated. In the tail the color should be blue to very dark. It is desirable that the lock head blue or fawn. The distribution of blue and tan as follows: Fire around the base of the ears, nose and sides of the cheeks, blue from the base of the skull to the tip of the tail, on the forelegs to near the carpal joint and near hind hock joint. It shows a tan line below the knees and joints carpal and hock to the toes. Color fire around the anus. The color of the body should be free from smudging or dark shadows. The color black is permissible in puppies, but the blue color must be established at 18 months of age.

Wither height: about 23 cm (about 9 inches) in males, in females slightly less.

Ideal weight 3.5 to 4.5 kg.